Palm Tree offers Massive Web Crawl Services to select enterprise customers.

With our expertise in web crawling, data mining, and distributed systems, we can offer you high quality results which can enrich your dataset and make your business more money!  Here’s some sample ways the folks at Palm Tree can help you out:

GPT (Generative Pre-Training) Web Crawling Services

Crawl the web at scale to compile data for GPT models.  Learn more or contact us.

Data Mining Consulting Services

Looking for expertise on data mining before taking on a new project or a new product?  We can share the entire process with you – everything from collecting data, processing the data, mining the data, post processing, short term storage, and long term storage.  We can tell you how to save costs on storage, people, and infrastructure, in addition to providing estimates for a project.  Get in touch with our team of expert data mining and web crawling consultants today!

Common Crawl Solutions

Learn more about our Common Crawl services

Document Backlink Crawling

Looking for PDF, DOC, or DOCX files on particular websites?  Send us over a list of up to millions of domains, we’ll crawl every page on each domain, and get back to you with all of the documents we found!  We go through every link on every page to get you this valuable data.  With this solution, we can help you find certifications, warranty documents, resume files, and much more.

Massive Web Crawl Discovery Solutions

With our expertise, we can also crawl large segments of the web discovering pages with matches.  Starting at 4 billion pages all the way up to 4 trillion pages, we can search the web at scale looking for keywords of your choice.  This is particularly useful in looking up Part #’s, Product ID #’s, and specific product names.  Give us additional criteria and we can even help you find new leads comprehensively from the web.

Palm Tree’s Web Discovery Solutions scour the web in order to find new matches for the kinds of information you’re looking for.

“Fill in the Blanks”/Data Completion Solutions

Tell us about missing, valuable pieces from your dataset and we’ll see if we can piece together the information you’re looking for from around the web through our massive web crawl capabilities.

  1. Case Study: Finding all publicly available email addresses for your suppliers
    Say you have a massive list of suppliers but would love their email addresses too.  Guess what?  We can crawl the supplier site as well as a large fraction of the web (4 billion pages and beyond) looking for any publicly posted emails that match with that supplier’s website domain.  So, you can enrich your data and shoot an email to every supplier in a snap.
  2. Case Study: Finding company domains based on only company names
    In this very tricky example, we’re assuming you have thousands of suppliers but only their names NOT their website domains.  Well, Palm Tree Systems can crawl and data mine the web to try to find a “best match” resulting domain name that corresponds with that company name.  In this process, we’d look at the website title, domain name, and copyright footer.  If you have additional taxonomy data like the company’s industry, etc we can even match a domain with that in mind for additional accuracy.

With Palm Tree’s data completion services, you can find the missing pieces to your data and get the whole picture!

Large Scale Network Analysis Expertise

By analyzing the link relationships between domains you give us and the rest of the web, Palm Tree Systems can return a ranking and help you identify the most influential domains.  Similar to Google’s Pagerank technology, this is really useful for prioritizing companies.  We can even tell you which other websites link to them and even which page is the most popular on a domain.

Custom Bulk Screenshot Services

Looking for screenshots of millions of webpages?  Palm Tree Systems can take the screenshots you need with quick turn around time.  We’ve developed a proprietary approach to taking high quality screenshots in parallel.  Our screenshot solution is ideal for machine vision and machine learning applications.